Product of J&K - Saffron

Jammu and Kashmir Flora and Fauna Product - Saffron

There are only three places in the world where saffron grows. Pampore in Kashmir has the honor of being one of that place.
Saffron is derived from the dried stigmas of purple saffron flower.

Uses of Saffron

Saffron has been used as a spice and coloring agent for many centuries and has a number of medicinal advantages. The stigmas were believed to cure many illnesses and also had the capability of making strong dye. Saffron is also used in many other industries such as tobacco industry, alcohol industry, dairy industry, cosmetic industry for perfumes and facial creams, and the dye industry. The orange-red stigmas of the saffron plant produce a pleasant aroma and a warm golden orange color. Saffron is believed to have many medicinal properties. It is called 'Kesar in the Indian sub-continent, and is used as flavoring agent in Indian dishes such as rice dishes like biryani to various sweets. 

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