Product of Gujarat - Cotton

Gujarat Flora and Fauna Product – Cotton

 Cotton is one of the leading crops growing on the land of Gujarat. It is widely used in the textile industry. Textile mills employ thousands of people across the state, and the cotton garments manufactured are exported across the world. There are many companies that processes cotton for jeans worldwide, most of them located near the Sabarmati river; as the water required for the textile industry is easily available. The black soil found abundantly in Gujarat is best suited for cultivation of cotton which is mostly required for the industry.

How is cotton processed?

First the cotton is harvested from the fields. The cotton seeds and fibers are put into a machine called cotton gin. The gin separates out the cotton fibers from the seedpods and seeds.
The fiber then goes to a cotton mill to be turned into a cloth. The by- products are also used. The cotton seeds and pods are turned into feed for cattle or made into cottonseed oil. Left over lint is also used in paper.
At the cotton mill the raw cotton fiber is a light brownish in color. To make it white, it is bleached using hydrogen peroxide. This powerful bleach then needs to be removed from cotton fibers to prevent them from reacting with the coloring dyes used later.
The bleach is rinsed with water with 40 liters of water rinsing each kg of cotton fiber.
The cotton is spun and woven into fabric.Cotton can be turned into many types of fabric using pre-shrinking, printing, dying, weaving and mixing techniques. 

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